OneMarcellus™ is a solution for the unconventional oil & gas space on the platform. Created and marketed by One Planet Associates, it offers integrated management of one of the world’s 10 largest natural gas fields. (
Partner and founder Udo Edelmann has 25 years experience in enterprise processes of regulated industries like chemicals, energy and pharmaceuticals. Join us as Udo introduces the unconventional energy space, the OneMarcellus™ solution, and why is the ideal platform for this application!
Food and drink is being sponsored by our hosts at LiquidHub, and there will be time for informal networking before and after the talk:
6:00pm - 6:30pm Food & networking
6:30pm - 6:45pm Welcome & introductions
6:45pm - 7:45pm Presentation
7:45pm - 8:00pm Networking
8:00pm - Drinks at Winberie's
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